Ask Our Experts: My Circuit Breaker Trips Frequently…is this a problem?
January 7, 2013 | 3:14 pm
In this series, our experts address some of the most common and helpful questions that we receive from customers and community members alike. This month’s question focuses on when a geothermal system might be a good option for you.
Question for Our Experts:
“I have a circuit breaker that has been tripping a lot more than usual lately. I just reset the breaker and things work like normal until it trips again a few days later. What could this be, and what should I do about it?”
Our Experts’ Answer:
The Short Answer
Electrical problems should be taken seriously – diagnosed and corrected by qualified electricians like those at Tuckey Mechanical Services. That being said, the issue could be as simple as an overloaded circuit. Consider unplugging some devices (TV’s, toasters, etc) on the circuit to see whether the problem persists. You could also consider having additional circuits installed to handle the additional load. Other potential causes include faulty wiring, loose connections, or failing equipment – all of which are serious issues and should be diagnosed and corrected by qualified electricians in order to avoid potential electrical fires.
The Detailed Answer
The problem could be as simple as a circuit overload, whereby you are plugging more into the electrical circuit than it can handle or that it previously handled. A circuit overload will cause the breaker to trip, and if you do not unplug some of your devices (in order to decrease the load on the circuit), it will simply trip again and again.
For example: Do you notice this only occurs when you have a toaster oven in use and then start making coffee at the same time? Or perhaps you’ve just added two appliances to your kitchen or bathroom and it started happening when you use both of them? If so, a simple circuit overload may very well be the culprit. You can decrease the load on the circuit by decreasing the amount of machines in that room or area of the house – or, you can contact a qualified electrician like those at Tuckey Mechanical Services to install additional circuits in your home to handle the additional load.
Again, an overloaded circuit is just one simple cause – but there could be many others.
Some other causes are as follows:
- A wire is getting loose on the breaker in the panel.
- A breaker is failing, causing it to trip prematurely.
- A loose wire or failing receptacle or device within the circuit is causing the overload.
Whatever the cause, electrical issues are something to take seriously. Especially if the problem is more than a simple circuit overload, it is important to contact a qualified electrician like those at Tuckey Mechanical Services to professionally diagnose and correct the problem. Indeed, one of the leading causes for home fires is faulty electrical wiring and related equipment. Don’t mess around with electrical problems – it’s much better to be safe than sorry.
The Bottom Line
Some potential causes for this issue include the following:
- Overloaded circuit
- Faulty or loose wiring somewhere in the system.
- Faulty equipment somewhere in the system.
Any of these causes could be serious issues. If you are at all uncertain about electrical problems in your home or office, contact Tuckey Mechanical Services for professional diagnosis and repair.
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