
Interior Design Q&A: How Appliance Colors & Window Treatments Affect Your Kitchen

September 17, 2013 | 1:58 pm
Your dishwasher, fridge, oven, stove, and microwave make a big difference to your kitchen’s decor!

Harvest gold?  Summer breeze?  We might not be dealing with these colors anymore, but your appliance decision should take into consideration the unit’s color and impact on your home’s decor.  White?  Black?  Stainless?  What’s right for you?  Let’s drop in on this Q&A:


I have just purchased a house with dark cherry cabinets and sand color counter tops. The Kitchen has white appliances. What color small appliances for the counter top should I use? Black or White. Also, what is a good color for walls and curtains???


For consistency, you may want to stay with all white appliances. This should coordinate well with what you already have. Regarding the window treatments and all color, you basically have a clean slate to work with. You may want to begin with the window treatments and find some ready-made curtains that you like or find a fabric to order custom-made treatments. Next, you could pull one of the colors out of the window treatment for the walls. If you are using small treatments, you may want to stick with small prints and vice versa. For fabrics, custom window treatments, or for a consultation, contact Tuckey Restoration!


(Picture By The Center for Universal Design; provided to the CDC by Richard Duncan, MRP, Sr. Proj. Mgr, North Carolina State University, the Center for Universal Design] [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

DISCLAIMER: This article is provided as a reference guide only. A qualified, professional contractor like the Tuckey Companies should handle all interior design, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, remodeling, metal fabrication, and restoration projects. Information presented here is of a general nature that may not be applicable in all situations. Tips, articles, and accompanying information do not represent an official recommendation of the Tuckey Companies.

All material Copyrighted (c) by the Tuckey Companies, 2025.
