Interior Design Q&A: Kitchen Wall Color Selection Given Woods
April 2, 2018 | 8:13 pm
We have just installed new cabinets in our kitchen. They are dark cherry. We are having a hard time choosing a color for the walls. The floor is light oak hardwood and the countertop is black granite. We are thinking of either a Mayan gold or burnt sienna. Is either of these appropriate?
Both of the colors you have mentioned above should work in your kitchen depending on other colors you may have in the kitchen or adjoining rooms. The gold may have a more traditional feel, while the sienna will be more natural and earthy feeling. If you are really stuck between the two, purchase a small amount of each and paint a test patch on the wall that is to be painted. Look at the colors over a few days before making your decision. Check out our kitchen remodeling! For more information contact Tuckey Restoration at or 717-249-7052.
(Picture By Simon Mer (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
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