
Interior Design Q&A: Matching Curtains & Upholstery with Wall Color

October 6, 2014 | 7:12 pm
It doesn't have to be formal, but it should look good! Learn how to match upholstery, curtains, and wall colors at your home.
It doesn’t have to be formal, but it should look good! Learn how to match upholstery, curtains, and wall colors at your home.

It’s always a task – how to effectively match your curtains with your furniture upholstery while making sure it all jives with your wall color? Sounds like a question for the Interior Design crew at Tuckey Restoration. Check out this Q&A:


My living room is large and is cream in color – what color curtains should I have, and what color upholstery?


If you are working with a cream living room, you have a variety of color options available to you. You will want to be sure that you consider the color and texture of your living room floor, as well as any decor in any other rooms that you can see from the living room. You might begin by looking for fabrics that you particularly enjoy.  Generally, in a large room, you will want to shy away from smaller prints due to the fact that they may get lost in the space. After finding a fabric that catches your eye, you will want to find a complimentary fabric that coordinates nicely with the first fabric. There are many questions to consider about your house, as well as your personal style before we could provide more detailed direction. Please contact us at your convenience so that we might assist you in achieving the look that best fits you. Remember, your first consultation is free. Thank you for the question.


(Picture By Daderot. (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

DISCLAIMER: This article is provided as a reference guide only. A qualified, professional contractor like the Tuckey Companies should handle all interior design, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, remodeling, metal fabrication, and restoration projects. Information presented here is of a general nature that may not be applicable in all situations. Tips, articles, and accompanying information do not represent an official recommendation of the Tuckey Companies.

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