
Interior Design Q&A: Jute Rugs in Damp Rooms

March 25, 2014 | 9:01 pm
Is it OK to place a jute rug in a wet room?

Is it OK to place a jute rug in a room in which it could potentially get wet?  Let’s find out!


Is it okay to use a jute rug outside on a covered screened-in room? It probably won’t get too wet but maybe some if rain blows in.


Jute rugs are generally not recommended in high moisture areas. Even if it may only occasionally become damp, I would use caution before you buy an expensive jute rug for the screened in room. Another option may be a bamboo or sisal rug. Visit your local carpet store and let them know you will be using the rug in a screened in area and find out any warranties the rug may have. Thank you for the question.


(Picture By BM Veen (BM Veen) [CC-BY-SA-3.0-nl (], via Wikimedia Commons)

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