Interior Design Q&A: Right Paint for Door Jams
November 21, 2016 | 7:45 pmQuestion.
Should your door jam color be the same as the room you’re exiting or entering? I just painted the bathroom, and the color in the bathroom is darker than the room you walk into from the bathroom. I painted the door on the inside to match the walls, and the walls on the outside of the bathroom are white.
We would have to get more information to answer you. Did you paint the trim the same color as the door and walls? What color did you paint the bathroom? If the trim in the bathroom is white, you might consider painting the door jam white so that it will be consistent in both areas. If not, you may want to consider painting the door and trim in the bathroom white. For more information contact Tuckey Restoration at 717-249-7052 or e-mail
(Picture By Mohjee259 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
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