
Interior Design Q&A: Re-flooring a Sunken Living Room

July 19, 2015 | 6:37 pm
It can be tough to switch out flooring in sunken living rooms.
It can be tough to switch out flooring in sunken living rooms.

Q.  My husband and I have just purchased a 1979 two-story house with a sunken living room which has carpet.  We want to install hardwood floors, but how do we do it when the carpet goes up about 6 inches on the wall?  Above that is baseboard, and above that is the wall.  Please help – we are at a loss.

A. It is difficult to give you a fair assessment without seeing the space; however, your options may include removing the carpet, installing the hardwood floors, and using oversized baseboard or similar trim to cover the 6 inches where the carpet used to be. Please contact us at 717-249-7052 or for a free estimate. Thank you for the question and best of luck in your new home.


(Picture By Haleybutlerhs (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)

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