
Interior Design Q&A: Wall Color for Gray Carpet and Black Furniture

March 6, 2017 | 7:44 pm
Gray carpet, black furniture. What wall color would help?
Gray carpet, black furniture. What wall color would help?


I just moved into an apartment.  The walls are now white (boring) and the carpet is medium gray color. My furniture is black leather. What color should I paint my walls? I like dark green, red, or earthly tones, I should say. However, I do not think that matches very well – what do you think? And what else would you suggest?


If you are only working around the gray carpet and black sofas, your options are endless. You might start with an inspiration piece – for example, a painting, favorite picture, or fabric. I would suggest painting a small area with the paint of your choice before painting the entire wall. Most of the paint retailers have virtual paint programs on their website to help ( is one). For more information, contact Tuckey Restoration at 717-249-7052 or


(Picture By Othertree (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons)

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