Interior Design Q&A: Window Treatments and Wall Color
November 5, 2015 | 6:19 pmQ. I have a light yellowish-green paint in my living room. What kind or color of window treatment do you suggest I use for my curtains?
A. The type of window treatment that you choose to install will depend on the amount of privacy that you want the treatment to provide and the mood you are trying to achieve in your living room. If you have a contemporary design, you might consider minimal treatments (Roman Shades could be a good option). If you need to warm up the space, you could try heavier, textured panels. With window treatments today, you are only limited by your imagination. You may want to start by looking through fabric books and see what catches your attention. To look through fabric samples or to have custom window treatments made, call Tuckey Restoration at 717-249-7052 or e-mail
(Picture By KDS444 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
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