Interior Design Q&A: Match Wood Flooring with Cabinets
August 20, 2013 | 8:39 pmA home remodel is an exciting time, but often frustrating with so many decisions to make. Tuckey Restoration’s team of expert interior designers addresses one common issue in this
I am trying to decide between Spalding maple spicewood flooring and Spalding maple natural wood flooring. Which one do I match with natural hickory or spice hickory cabinets? The two spices flooring and cabinets are too much together I think. Yet the two naturals flooring and cabinets really look good together – a perfect match. The appliances in the kitchen are white and the naturals seem to wash it all out. The spice makes the appliances stand out. We have looked and these are the choices we like the most. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you
It is difficult to advise you on which one to choose without actually viewing the space and choices. Generally, we would suggest you go with your instincts in this case. There is not a “correct” choice, only what you enjoy and are comfortable with. When trying to match the wood choices, you’ll want to consider matching them exactly or it may look like you made the attempt at an exact match and weren’t quite successful. You may want to go with an exact match or a definitive opposite. In addition, the spice flooring probably has a warmer feel to it than the natural. If you’re concerned about the appliances appearing washed out, you may want to add warmth into the kitchen with wall paint, color in the countertop or backsplash, or just some simple warm accents in your linens.
(Picture By Lars Lentz [CC-BY-SA-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)
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