Tuckey Savings
Whole-Home Emergency Generators
Mention this ad and save $300 on your purchase of a whole-home standby generator.
Financing Opportunities
Utility Company Rebates

PPL Electric Utilitiesโขย Rebates
Potentially save several hundred dollars through utility company rebates from PPL. Rebates are available on anything from heating and cooling equipment to upgraded lighting to water heaters.
Tuckey will help you select the right equipment and make the best possible choices to maximize your rebates from PPL Electric Utilities.

Met-Edยฎย Rebates
Potentially save several hundred dollars through utility company rebates from Met-Ed. Rebates are available on anything from heating and cooling equipment to upgraded lighting to water heaters.
Tuckey will help you select the right equipment and make the best possible choices to maximize your rebates from Med-Ed.
UGIยฎย Rebates
Potentially save several hundred dollars through utility company rebates from UGI. Rebates are available on anything from heating and cooling equipment to upgraded lighting to water heaters.
Tuckey will help you select the right equipment and make the best possible choices to maximize your rebates from UGI.